Decades of Experience as the Ethylene Furnace Lining Leader
The current ethylene market is extremely active in the USA due to the abundance of low-cost natural gas. Natural gas is often the process feed and fuel source for ethylene production. The increase in natural gas supply in the USA, and the equally dramatic price reduction, are driving significant growth throughout the industry.
Thorpe has been the leader in ethylene furnace linings since our early 1970’s development of Z-BLOK I™; the first folded, pre-compressed, ceramic fiber module system and many subsequent derivative products and solutions. Thorpe actively participates in maintenance and retrofit opportunities with ethylene furnace owners and operators as well as capital projects with furnace licensors and mechanical contractors.
Through our extensive maintenance work in these units, we are extremely familiar with the operational and reliability issues relating to furnace refractory linings. By combining our engineering capabilities and skilled field crews, we routinely supply turnkey solutions to design, manufacture, supply and install improved lining systems to meet today’s demands. These demands include better operational efficiency and improved thermal and mechanical reliability and performance.
Customer problems resolved by Thorpe include:
- Hotspots
- Brick lining instability due to inferior anchor systems
- Bullnose failures
- Cracked and spalled castable, particularly in transition sections
- Backup lining deterioration leading to high shell temperature
- Erosion of the lining near burners
- Lining renovation using the Z-BLOK™ Ceramic Fiber Module System
- Floor failure requiring high maintenance
- Decoke nozzles and impact zones
- Solving tramp air intrusion with HOTSEAL® Furnace Penetration Seals
- Peephole surrounds cracking and spalling
- Peepdoor plugs falling off
- Overall high shell temperatures
- Faster startups/shutdowns
- Improved radiant heat distribution
- Application of Emisshield® High Emissivity Coating installations